Holiday Hair

10:13:00 AM Saul 4 Comments

This year has been one of the most epic yet… and my partnership with Rogaine has definitely been one of my favorites of 2017. Getting the conversation going around hair loss was scary at first but after getting to speak with so many of you over the past few months, it’s made the stigma around it non-existent, so thank you all for your amazing emails, comments, and DMs asking me some important questions. I hope to keep this journey going through 2018 since I’ve seen some great results and so have many of you so keep the questions and comments coming!

Now, the end of year isn’t all about serious self-reflecting and goal-setting, it’s also about spending time with family, eating lots of mom’s home cooked meals, and of course and endless amount of holiday parties. And with holiday parties, comes holiday style… more specifically, holiday hairstyles! 

What’s worked for me is finding the best product for your type of hair. All of which are safe to use with Rogaine Unscented Foam to keep on your regimen going strong! Now these are just some grooming tools I’ve learned to work for my hair so definitely try them all out and see what works for you!

The Sleek Look 
If you’re going to a super formal party then you have to match your hairstyle to your tux and the sleek look is definitely the way to go. For this, you need a high-shine, firm hold product. This calls for a solid hair gel that doesn’t flake… the non-flaking part is important so you don’t end up looking like you were caught in a snowstorm! Using a comb, apply a small amount of gel onto your damp hair and glide through your hair combing your hair in one direction. If you can get a good part in your hair, you’ll look extra sharp!

The Messy Look 
Now this one can be tricky. You don’t want to look like you just rolled out of bed. It’s more of a “my hair just naturally falls this cool” kind of look so be careful! This one is a two-step process to get the best results. First, use a lightweight styling cream and work a small amount of it into your damp hair. This helps control frizz and static to give a more purposely messy effect. Second, work a bit of pomade onto your almost dry hair to give the hold. Pomade is pliable and low-shine so it still lets your hair move and give that lived-in look you’re going for. 

The Chunky Look 
This style is right there in between the super formal sleek look and the messier, casual vibe. The chunky look is my daily go-to and is most manageable for my coarse hair. This one is a two part process but still super quick. Find a good texturizing or salt spray. This lightweight mist gives your hair some serious texture. Once you’re hair is completely dry, work a small amount of wax onto your fingertips and start to work into your hair separating and texturing pieces. The wax, spray combo will hold everything in place and separated to give a cool textured feel.  

I hope these styles work for you guys and gets you prepped for the holidays. I can’t wait to continue this conversation with Rogaine educating myself, and hopefully all of you. If I haven’t heard from you guys that are on this journey with me, definitely reach out and let me know how it’s worked for you! 

This post done sponsored by Rogaine | All words and opinions are my own


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A very important topic. When I relax and start playing online games, I completely forget about my hair. The excitement of games and fun help me distract from everything

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