Signs of Spring

12:13:00 PM Saul 1 Comments

As you can imagine, at the first sight of warm weather in the forecast, New Yorkers ditch the heavy jackets and go full on summer mode when dressing for the day. There's such a great feeling when we make it through another bitter cold winter and stride into spring. People are happier, there's more of a rush to wake up and enjoy the day, and there's always some kind outdoor event to get out and enjoy. Being from Texas, I'm definitely a boy of summer but usually by then, we all take the warm days for granted and don't really appreciate the good weather as much as we should. 

Thankfully today, it's the first sign of spring and the warm weather to be a constant. One of my favorite trends for spring is flight jackets. This Alpha Industries Flight Jacket is a staple for spring and I wear it on the daily. A good tee, like this one from Buck Mason [that just might be my favorite new tee brand] goes a long way during the warmer temperatures so invest in some and ditch the budget three packs. Trust me. It instantly upgrades your warm weather transitioning style!

Wearing: Alpha Industries Flight Jacket | Buck Mason Tee | J. Crew Ludlow Pant | Hydrogen-1 Sneakers | Garrett Leight California Opticals Harding Shades


WM said...

I must have to say that you have a great sense of fashion and know, how to wear a bomber jacket with style