Beach Bummin

2:51:00 PM Saul 2 Comments

Sometimes, I just don't feel like putting pants on... today is one of those days. Thanks to my friends at Onia, lounging just became all that more stylish no matter if you're indoors, out of sight or stoop-side, enjoying the sunny day. Now, there really is no excuse to look like a bum while you bum around.

Onia, mostly known to me for their super-cool swimwear, has just rocked my socks with these elevated [Ike Terry] lounge shorts that I just can't seem to pry myself from. Constructed with a stretch, cotton terry fabric they'll have you feeling comfortable and breezy while you lounge or even head out to the beach. I took these to Hawaii recently and wore them just about everywhere... perfect beach vibe that I'm still feeling for today's summer Friday mood. Check out the entire lounge collection - and entire men's spring/summer collection of course - and get comfortable this weekend. Now if only I could get my bum to another beach soon!



Unknown said...

I'm totally fine with being a beach bum, if we're being honest.

Josh | The Kentucky Gent

Anonymous said...

This is pretty much my guide to dress once I get back to school. Busy = casual