Glimpse of Spring Style

8:54:00 AM Saul 1 Comments

Today is the first glimpse of spring in New York City! Just as I was losing all hope that it would ever warm up again - especially after yesterday's snow storm - a day like today happens. It might not be sunny but it's twice as warm as it has been... literally, the temperature is double the warmth than it was less than a week ago! 

I don't know why but one of my favorite color combos for spring is black and white. There's just something about the harsh contrast between the colors that feels so sleek... plus you just can't go wrong in coordinating two basic colors. Thankfully, my friends over at French Connection got the message and hooked me up with this black Urban Rib Knitted Jumper - the perfect "it's ALMOST spring" layer. Super comfortable and just enough weight to keep me warm on a sans jacket day like today.

Now excuse me - busy day ahead. On the schedule: Hamburgers at NYC staple, Corner Bistro, for a greasy cheeseburger and fries. Like I said, very busy day. If you're a local or will be visiting this city soon, it is vital that you come here for lunch! You can thank me later. 

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Unknown said...

Well, we had 60 degrees yesterday so I thought Spring could've been here to stay, and then today we've got 6 inches of snow with 6 more on the way.

Josh - The Kentucky Gent