Buffalo Plaid Daze

6:17:00 PM Saul 1 Comments

Buffalo plaid is one of those patterns that makes its' way into our lives every winter almost as if to announce that, pretty soon, you will be bitching about frozen lips and toes. As much as most of us dread this time of season, I have to admit, my love for the checkerboard-like grid makes the extreme drop in temps just about tolerable. 

You can find buffalo plaid blanketing just about everything around the holiday season. From shirts to sweaters to socks to, well, blankets - you can't avoid this holiday staple pattern... and really, who would complain about it?! Trust me, this won't be the last time you see me [and just about everyone else] in this pattern until the temperatures begin to rise again. Happy start to the holidaze!

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Zack Harris said...

cool flannel dude.